AVG Anti-Virus and Internet (In)Security

Oh dear. I've just logged in to our home PC and been greeted by a wonderful pop up advert for AVG Internet Security.

AVG Anti-Virus launces browser as SYSTEM user

This is a real shame. I've been using Grisoft's Anti-Virus product for years, and tactics like this are only going to make me look for alternatives. Especially when it appears that their "security" software has launched my browser as the SYSTEM user! Whoops.

Google Chart API

Google has launched the Google Chart API. With a simple URL we get a simple chart:

Google Chart API - Survey Results

Disappointing end to WebVulnCrawl project

It's been nearly a year and a half since I blogged about the WebVulnCrawl bot, and slightly less than that since the crawling was completed by Dennis.

I was very eager to see the results, and had pestered Dennis via his blog several times over the months (comments from me and others have now disappeared from his blogspot for some reason). So I was initially surprised and then very interested to see a post from this now unfamiliar blog in my reader - "Long Overdue - The Final Post".