I've rewritten the website from scratch. Again.

This time the excuse was to learn Django.

Using a web framework like Django instead of a CMS like my previous Drupal installation gives me a lot more control over the fine details, which suits my pedantic programmer brain. Unfortunately that programmer brain is not so good when it comes to the design side of things, so I opted to keep things simple. This simplicity has resulted in a minimalistic, uncluttered look that I'm actually quite pleased with.

Here is a screenshot of my new design (on the right) alongside the Garland theme from my old Drupal 5 setup.

2007 design2010 design

Sources of inspiration for the design include semicolon and Furry Brains: two clean looking blogs I stumbled across during my Django research.

In terms of the code, when putting this site together I made use of:

I hope to blog about each of these in turn over the coming weeks, so subscribe if you want to catch that.

In the meantime, please contact me if you find any problems with the new site, broken links etc.