Developers developers developers developers?

Microsoft love developers. They want to make our lives better. They want to make it really, really easy for us to develop software for their operating systems. Everyone remembers how excited and sweaty Mr Ballmer got as he reminded everyone just how much they care:

This is why if you want to write, say, some device drivers, you can just go to their website, download the Driver Development Kit for Windows Server 2003, unpack it, install it and start using it. 10 minutes. Including the time to download the 230MB DDK.

Great stuff.

But things have changed...

Geotagging Traffic Jams with Yahoo Pipes

The Highways Agency has been publishing traffic information as RSS feeds for a while now, but they contain too much noise to be useful for me. My daily commute is just 28 miles to work and back, I certainly don't cover the entire East of England so a lot of the alerts are of no interest to me.

With Yahoo Pipes, I can filter out the noise to leave just the incidents that I might be interested in. To start with, here's a simple pipe to cut down the alerts to just those with "A14" in the title: A14 traffic news.

PHP Subversion Log Feed Generator

We use Subversion for version control at work. I wanted to get some RSS/Atom feeds of the commits people were making to various repositories, but for some reason, our WebSVN installation (which would have given me the feeds I wanted) was broken. So I decided to quickly hack something together to produce a feed from the svn log output.
