How to list all subdirectories of a directory in bash

To (non-recursively) list all children of a directory in bash

find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1

and to do the same but omitting the .svn directory (subversion's working copy info)

find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -name .svn

Changing the IP address of a Windows Machine (part 2)

Last time I explained how I needed a quick and easy way to change the IP address of my Windows XP workstation, found a method that sort of worked using the netsh tool, but ultimately discovered that method to be unsatisfactory due to it disruptively tearing down the network interface each time.

But there is a better method. This time I'll show how this problem can be overcome - with a lot of help from free and open source software we can change the effective IP address of our client program as seen from the server without tearing down all the ancillary connections we want to keep alive.

How to change IP address from the Windows command line

I recently needed a quick and easy way to change the IP address of my Windows XP workstation. I had to reproduce a problem where the IP address of the client program (which runs on Windows) changes in the middle of a communication session with the server program. Such a thing could happen, for instance, when the client's DHCP lease expires and renewal results in a new address being allocated.

I wanted to do this quickly and easily - the first solution that popped into my head was simply to toggle the configuration of the network interface between using DHCP as normal and a static IP. This can be done via the Network Connections applet in the Control Panel, but is rather involved. It's certainly not quick or easy.

To do the same thing via the command line, use the netsh tool.